Aurora Aksnes is a Norwegian singer and songwriter from Norway. She was born in Stavanger on June 15th, 1996. Her professional name is Aurora. Her name could be spelled in the form of AURORA. Her debut E.P. Running with the Wolves has been released by Decca Records and was well welcomed by blogs about music. Half the World Away, by the Oasis group for John Lewis Christmas advertisements and Nature Boy by Nat King Cole are two of the artist's high-profile recordings. Katy Perry posted a video where she was announcing her endorsement of Runaway. This brought her some recognition. Celebrate the special occasion. Aurora Aksnes earliest musical memory was of discovering an instrument in her attic and becoming enthralled by the sound it could produce. Her parents May-Britt along with Jan Oystein Aksnes encouraged her to take up music not as an occupation or pastime but to grow. This led to her started writing her own music. Her inspirations include famous writers Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, as well as her affinity with Bjork's style. Her mother encouraged her to perform her music in front of the public, but not so that she could be famous, but to let others know how important they are and what they can do to make a difference in the world. As a young girl She began playing the piano and at nine began writing her own songs. The fact that she was a musician wasn't known to her family members until she turned fourteen. It was never a dream to turn into Aurora. The singer says that she simply likes to compose songs. According to her, the music she writes is her way of feeling any thing.
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